Fireplace Design Ideas For The Outdoors

Fireplace Design Ideas
Humans have gathered around fire since the dawn of time, but recently, the source of that fire has evolved. When it comes to fuel for the fire, instead smoky wood—which requires a cleanup crew after every blazing hearth, can throw off dangerous sparks and is harmful to the environment–many people have chosen to simplify things and use propane to fuel their indoor or outdoor fireplace. This way, the fire is lit with the flick of a switch or the turn of a knob—no sticks to rub together, no flint or matches to strike.
Despite the obvious benefits in terms of maintenance, there are some things to consider if you’re contemplating an outdoor propane fireplace. Firstly, if it’s a custom install, it’s likely to cost you two to three times more than a traditional outdoor fireplace, especially if you have to clear land—and even if you purchase yours from a big box or home improvement store, the cost will still be more than a wood-burning chiminea or fire pit. But you’ll be paying for a measure of convenience and safety that those options can’t provide.Outdoor fireplaces are great gathering places for friends and family, and they can be a valuable addition to any backyard, deck or outdoor living space. Ultimately, the outdoor fireplace that’s right for your home’s exterior space will be one that reflects your personality and your goals for fireside fun.